Dusan Jevtovic – Am I Walking Wrong? Album Review

Dusan Jevtovic is a guitar hero for those with little patience for the cliché histrionics that have come to define the field.

While most ultra practitioners continually punctuate bold statements with speed and excess, Dusan tickles the ears with an overabundance of surprises and restraint.

In a soundscape where strange time signatures abound and a series of unique tones are produced of an almost revisionist nature, there is little that remains static and forward motion is a welcome constant. The music is out there but it is also grounded by a humanistic sense of humour and discovery.

Dusan is on to something here and while guitar aficionados will have much to savour there is also an accessibility through departure that extends the olive branch to those that feel a bit beat up by overstatement.

Rob Hudson